Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I really like this for some reason...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bee Tarot Temperance

Aug. 2006

Bee as the Tarot card Temperance. I did this as part of a contest someone was holding on DA. I didn't win, though.

FC (well, half of it) In Space

August 2006

Stacy shouldn't have taken her helmet off. And Quinn is in there somewhere. Would you believe I used to draw her all the time? Now I draw her slightly less... slightly plus twenty. At any rate, I can only assume that Sandi didn't want to come along, saying something about how "the moon is dirty" and "those space monsters are sooo unfashionable", or something...

Looking back, I could've done a lot more with this piece beside use a couple of stock poses[tm]. Background, such as it is, looks kinda cool.

Four Of Two

Aug. 2006

This is a comic based on a song by They Might Be Giants called "Four Of Two", and the song tells the story of a stupid boy, a mean girl and a broken clock.

The boy seen here things he might have a chance with the girl seen here... but is she really that mean? Probably not, but I think she'd probably brag to her fashionista friends about "playing with that nerdy kid down the street". Eh, I dunno.

Who the heck is that Lobinske guy, anyway?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Photos 6

Here are some photos I took from various points in June and early July. I'm sorry if they don't look that great, but... you look and see.
This is looking down a street a few blocks from where I live. There used to be a LOT more trees lining the street, but people kept dumping there, so most of the trees were cut down and the area was cleaned up, and was made into a small park.

Looking down 38th Street (again), this time from the other side of the street. This was a hard shot to get, and I almost got hit by a car. I did, however, wanted take it with a car closer to the spot I took it from.

Near the Indiana State Fairgrounds, and one of the signs to it is on the far right side. There used to be a LOT of buildings around this area, even a restaurant on the corner of 38th and Fall Creek. It was torn down about 20 years ago to make way for more parking space. The same can be said for at least three office buildings and a motel. A temporary barn was also here, about a block or so from where this shot was taken. With the right cropping, I could use this as a pretty good background.

In front of Arlington High School, on Arlington Ave. Taken from standing on a median.

A shot of the school's auditorium. I think this is a new addition... or was that the gymnasium? I forget.

Looking down Arlington Ave, towards 56th street. Stood on same median.

I have one more batch of photos, then I'll go out and take some more, hopefully from different areas of town and with different angles and such.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Gonna Put Older Drawings Here...

Starting today I'm going to put a lot of my older stuff (by "older stuff", I mean mostly stuff before September 2007), mostly comics and certain drawings. Though I am trying to improve currently, a few friends of mine have said that they liked some of the older stuff I did.

Looking back on these, however, there are construction, anatomy, and posing issues a plenty, including HANDS, my mortal enemy. I'm trying now to right the wrongs of my earlier drawings. I do hope you enjoy the older stuff, though, and take a look at the newer stuff, a great deal of which I post here.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Photos 5

Continuing those shots taken on May 23rd...
If this building was the focal point, I should've centered it more... Anyway, this is IPS School #98, and I used to go here back in... first and second grade. There is a park nearby here, but it seems hard to get to, and this always looked like a nice building. I couldn't go inside, but I did take a few shots around this area, as well as at that park.

This is looking down DuBarry Road, the street School #98 is on. This wasn't a good perspective shot. If, however, the focal point was that barely-visible sign in the center, then yeah, I'd say this was a damn fine shot!

The far west edge of the building, as well as a nearby tree. I could crop this shot by half, and use the tree for something. Dunno about the assorted greenery in the background, though.

I turned right around and took this shot. Another tree, and the school in far left, as well as DuBarry Rd. on the right. Nothing special about this one. It could work as a desktop wallpaper, maybe. MAYBE.

Part of the school's playground (albeit a small part), and a house in the background. And some of the walkway to one of the doors to the school can be seen.

There's a path hidden in the greenery (seen in one of the earlier shots of the school) that leads to this park. I don't think there's another way to get to it, but if there is one, it's either not easy to get to, or I haven't seen it. Anyway, here it is, and it looks like it's started to slide since the last time I visited it. Even most of the play equipment is gone...

A lot of this area is overgrown now, and large birds roam about. That thing near the bottom, is where a merry-go-round was (not the ones you see at a carnival, but those ones that you get on, and someone pushes). And that swing set looks like it hasn't been touched in years. I have been to this particular area two other times (to my best recollection): Once, back when I was in second grade (the merry-go-round was there back then); the other time in 2004, when this area looked a lot nicer, but a lake was put in, as well as some shelters.

I took this shot (and the next two) from the highest point of the only piece of playground equipment left, and part of it is right there. Also is the chimney from the school from earlier. Other than that, nothing much.

From the left side of where I took the last photo. Those trees look... kinda nice, but still, this park is in need of maintenance.

From the right side. More trees, and assorted greenery. Somewhere in this shot, though, is where I came into the park through the school playground. There's another entrance, but this was the only one I knew of.

Those are all the ones I took that day. I did take more, but those sucked.

I do have some more from later days, though.

Photos 4

Here are some shots that I took on May 23rd. I did go to some high places to take some of them, and the majority of them might show up as backgrounds in anything I might do later.
This was taken from the top of a bridge a few blocks from my house. I had to cross the street twice: once to get to this spot, and again to go back to the other side to go down the bridge. It was supposed to be a skyline of downtown Indianapolis (since whenever I'd look down the tracks when crossing, I would see the downtown buildings off in the distance). This shot didn't go as well as I thought, but I still like it, if not for the effort to get it.

Coming down the bridge, this was the view to my left. It looks... decent, I guess, but I could do without that big tree in the left. It looks a little intrusive to me.

I crossed the street again, and this was the view on that side. This is part of a construction company... well, it's part of the company's property. I always thought those trees looked nice, so I took a photo. I might have been better off using a different angle, but that big tree on the right (not the same tree in the last one), might intrude. It's not a good-looking tree.

Looking down Shadeland Ave. There might be lack of a focal point here, and I took this one (as well as the last three) that morning, yet the light levels vary. (I have everything on the camera set to Auto, so why things tend to over- or under-expose still, I have NO idea. Good thing I have a photo editor to fix some of these!) Um... I was looking down Shadeland going south. A LOT of car dealerships line this street from 38th Street on down to about 10th Street.

This is looking down 38th Street, a little past... 38th and Richardt. This shot looks similar to an earlier one I posted.

Those are all for now. I do have shots I took from a school near that area...